Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanks Y'all!

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful right?  I’d argue we should be thankful every day, and we don’t need a holiday for it; the whole American Thanksgiving story has always troubled me (some other cultures have Thanksgiving type holidays that are easier to get on board with).  Every year this should be a time to apologize to Native Americans for the way their land and lifestyle was commandeered and destroyed.  Right now, native tribes from across the globe are peacefully protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline with the Standing Rock Sioux on behalf of the environment, their way of life and for all of us.  For everyone out there, I am so grateful and thank you. 

Can we also acknowledge that good cooks make awesome food year round, but for some reason Thanksgiving is the home cooked meal many people prefer to all others?  Why is that?  My theory is a dearth of cooking skills in modern society and in older times families saving for high quality ingredients and splurging over the holiday.  However, I digress…here's some lentil loaf with beet-raspberry glaze for you. 


In going along with the spirit of the holiday, I just wanted to take this opportunity to take a step back and thank many different people for all the encouragement and support I’ve received throughout the years.  2016 has been a rough year, but even this year, we have a lot to be thankful for.  Health is not guaranteed, success is not assured, and freedom is not free.    

Transitioning to this plant-based diet and lifestyle wasn’t easy and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support from friends, families and total strangers I’ve received.  Especially in south Texas, eating this way and living this way makes me different, makes me in the minority, and it can be a struggle at times.  The people who have encouraged me, supported me, and even tried to eat more plants in their diet in a show of solidarity, these people are my vegan-allies.  I want to say thank you to all of them. 

I also want to let all of my friends who don’t fit within the norm of straight, white, male, Christian America, I’ve got your back.  For all those LGBTQ, Muslim, black, Hispanic, immigrant and others, you are not alone and I will stand with you.  I love you and I love your differences and the diversity you bring to our nation makes our nation great.  I want each and every one of you to have the opportunity you deserve.  I want you to be able to live your lives and carry out your dreams to the best of your ability, unimpeded and without fear of retaliation.  To all of those that are different, I am your ally and you can call on me.

Thank you, love you, I got you,  


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